Okay, so what this is is I always liked making mixtapes and CD comps but what I *really, really* wanted was a radio show, especially a John Peel-levels-of-freedom-to-play-anything-you-want kind of radio show, and especially the freedom to play really long tracks without making a mix that is one-long-track-and-a-couple-of-extra-songs-like-afterthoughts.
Also an attempt to re-capture the joy of listening to KCMU Seattle (now KEXP) in the late '90's when "Variety Mix" really was variety mix and you were as likely to hear Belgian techno as Death Metal or Americana when you tuned in.
(all mixes are dedicated to DJ Riz who went beyond even these wide parameters playing Schubert, white labels, inviting street musicians into the studio to blow over the top of tracks, mixing spoken word and multiple platter with aplomb and leaving one wanting to buy records that didn't exist because they were live transmissions from a superior civilization...)
I hope you enjoy and, more than that, i hope you discover some music that you love and never heard before.